Monday, February 8, 2010

Half Drilled Pearls Glue How Can I Attach Half-drilled Pearls To Other Components?

How can I attach half-drilled pearls to other components? - half drilled pearls glue

How can half drilled beads and other components, such as nails, earrings, or the end of a silver chain?

Put the glue on the part that goes in the hole? If so, is what kind or brand of glue should I use? Is there another way to use the half drilled pearls?

1 comment:

Secret Pearl Dude said...

There are two schools of thought when it comes to epoxy, which use the best kind, if it is related positions of the balls. The conventional method of the old school is to a jeweler, to use two epoxy. These documents are available at any jewelry store and got four minutes to 24 hours depending on the brand.

As used in our society ( is something new and much easier than two epoxy. It is a kind of glue called Vigor. Vigor implement immediately, and is completely safe for pearls. Force can not be separated or () without soaking the pearl, so you will never worry about accidentally pearl.

This page contains information about the current product: ...

In determining the jewel in the resin at the end of the rod, not the polls. Use a very small amount, less than one account. Use of force would be wise to have a gem in the vicinity safely remove epoxy, because excess resin, which is defined on the surface of the pearl of the hotel. The attack is a good option.

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