Thursday, December 24, 2009

Wood Gasifier Wood Gas Gasifier With Electric Heater?

Wood gas gasifier with electric heater? - wood gasifier

Hi, I have a picture of a wood gasifier: ... I wonder what she would emerge if the heat source is electric instead of a combustion zone. I think it would not CO2 gasification would be completely free from O2. What do you think? a carburetor is best done with an electric heater with a combustion zone?


John W said...

This would be a furnace in a gasification unit. Takes a little oxygen to form synthesis gas (wood) and a mixture of CO and H2 to produce. It seems that the photo does not make burning zone training. A stove is in the heat of the coal power is useful, but less efficient than the heat of combustion. It would be interesting to see whether the fumes from that gas generator "power" a higher proportion of CO and H2 have, each carbon at all.

virtualg... said...

The photo shows an electric heating element in the carburetor. You may not burning in the carburetor, but generated as electricity? When he came home, by wire, is very likely that burn coal or oil, be someone, not much better than the 40% efficiency. You're going to burn wood gas anyway, so it seems easier to use than wood / wood products into the system. With the level of sensors and controls in wood pellet stoves and gas can bleed anoxicly part of this gas with air and fire a mixed regenerative burner - very effective.

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